Friday, November 26, 2010

Mesa, Arizona Lights

Well, Thanksgiving week is here, and there is no need to say that it is getting cold in certain areas of the country already. The Festival of Lights is set to begin next week in Washington D.C., but tonight, it is the turn for the Mesa Arizona LDS Temple grounds. Arizona does not get that much snow, if any in the winter times, but that is no excuse, lights are still welcome.
I have yet to see the lights in person, but I have seen the pictures, Christmas lights in a desert setting are very beautiful. It attracts many tourists to the scene.

About 10,000 volunteer hours were put in to the setting up of the lights.
The grounds will be lit up from 5:30-10pm every night until New Year's Eve. Other than the lights, the grounds will also host a series of concerts of Christmas Music.

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