Sunday, November 21, 2010

Serving the Lord/Festival of Lights.

In an article in the Mormon Times, states that about 250 students from Southern Virginia University spent a day at the Washington D.C. temple doing a wide range of things. Ranging from planting Tulip bulbs and temple ordinances. Service is very important in the eyes of the Lord. A lot is done to prepare the beautiful temple grounds.

All of these preparations were preparing the temple grounds for the 33rd annual Festival of Lights. Other preparations also included setting up the nativity scene and hanging up lights.

I have personally been to the Washington D.C. temple grounds for the Festival of lights. The scenery is very beautiful, and the night time skies are lit up, and scene away for miles. The lights are not only things done there for Christmas. Inside the Visitor's Center there are mini Nativity scenes from various countries around the world. The center is also fully staffed with service missionaries and full time sister missionaries for the tourist to ask questions about the church.

Friday December 3, 2010 will be the day when the Festival of Lights officially begins. It will run until New Year's day January 1, 2011. The grounds are open 10am-10pm. Lights are lit up at dusk every day. For more information, please visit

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