Thursday, October 7, 2010

The 180th Semi-Annual General Conference thoughts….

Non- Members of the Mormon Church sometimes ask me, " Why do you meet every six months in large meetings?" For a long time I have struggled to answer that question. Now I find it easy to do so.

Every six months The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints holds it's Semi-Annual General Conference of the entire world wide church. It is a time where leaders of the faith, can communicate with  its followers and the followers gain knowledge from their faithful leaders.

I always look forward for this weekend every six months. But this October, I have  been looking forward to it even more. One reason is seen below, I got to attend the Saturday Morning Session. This was my second time attending and it was amazing.

General Conference is a great opportunity to gain a spiritual uplifts. A opportunity to get answers through the holy spirit. I certainly got many of the answers I was looking for this past weekend.  I hope that many of you did as well.
Personally, I thought that one of the main themes of conference was purity, obedience,  faith. I absolutely loved all the talks given at conference. If you missed any of the sessions or want to watch any of them you can go to the new general conference website .

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