Saturday, October 23, 2010

Rome Italy Temple


This  morning LDS Church President Thomas S. Monson broke ground for the new temple in Rome, Italy, which we all know is near the Vatican, headquarters to the Catholic Church. It was a real shocker to the church community when President Monson announced plans for 5 additional temples at the 179th Semi-annual General Conference in October 2009, and Rome was mentioned as one of them. 


Many people find the announcement of this temple to be a true miracle in itself. The LDS Church Public Affairs department released the following video today on its YouTube Channel to help promote the church and the importance of temples in our lives. The video also shows us the design and size of the temple, along with a Visitor's Center, Family History Center, Patron Housing, Stake Center buildings on 14.8 acres of land about 10 miles from the city itself. I personally enjoyed watching this presentation, and hope that you do to! 

Here is an official announcement from the church


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