Monday, October 25, 2010

More Expansions in the Church

The church continues to grow at a much faster and steady pace. Today the church announced that it has created the 232nd stake in Brazil. The creations of many stakes outside of the church indicates that there are more members outside the United States than inside the United States. Presently there are more than a million members in Brazil alone. The creation of the Alphaville Brazil Stake also indicates that missionary work is quickly spreading and working.

Our goal as members of the church is to spread the word, and help the needy. Help out our brothers and sisters that are less active in the church, and bring them back to reality, so they can live the gospel.
A word of scripture that I might add for missionary work would be Ezekiel 37 where he talks about the two sticks coming together, and being as one, to move forward the gospel of Jesus Christ.

As many of you know, LDS Connections is on YouTube, please feel free to spread around my videos for the spreading of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

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