Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Wonderful Plan of Salvation

As many of you know, one of my hobbies is to make video. They are sort of like  Mormon Messages that I make to help spread the word of God to other nations.

I have been thinking a lot about families in the past few weeks, and how important that they are in the Plan of Salvation. I dedicated this video to my family, they mean a lot to me, and that is the center plan of the creation of God. The Bountiful Temple, I believe is to be one of the most beautiful scenery that the church has for a temple, It over looks over the entire city of Bountiful, Utah, and has a nice view of the Great Salt Lake. It is a perfect example of God's wonderful creations.

 Temple's of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are meant to reunite families, so that we can  be together forever, and for all eternity.

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