Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Growing World-Wide Church

A fellow blogger has a site that states the possible areas for some future  LDS Temples and growth in the church. It is a really great blog.  Lots has been going on in the last few months and years in the church, which is always good news.

Burundi & Angola were both dedicated for the preaching of the gospel and missionary work earlier this month. I am glad to see that the doors are opening to even more countries in the world, and that our brothers and sisters are able to find out more about our Savior Jesus Christ.

Many Stakes of Zion are being built each month, October alone has seen the creation of 3 stakes in 1 day. The Alphaville Brazil Stake was created on Sunday October 17th along with, The Waco Texas Stake, & West Haven Utah Stake.

The church will always continue to grow, no matter what happens.

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